
Monday, 24 March 2014

Project Life | Week Eight...

Hello Sassy Friends!  It's Leanne here today to share with you, another week of Project Life.  Week Eight | February 17 - 23.

Have you ever had one of those weeks where so much has happened, you just. don't. know. where. to start? Well, this was Week Eight for us.  We had a number of events occur across the week - some were planned... others were not!
This week I am keeping my Project Life spread simple.  I have a large number of photos but I also had a lot of documentation to share as well.  To keep it simple I've noted the main events in point form and grouped several of my photos into collages.
I have left four main areas in my page pockets to add and embellish with patterned paper.  Carta Bella "Hello Again" was my go-to choice.  *grin*  Besides looking and feeling beautiful, I knew I wanted to use this collection, as part of my DT example for March's mood board challenge.
March Moodboard Challenge
(link up your own challenge entry in the side bar - see right>>>)

"Week 8 | left page"


To create a connection between both my photos and journaling, I added a few banner labels to individual photos.  Some of the labels will seem quite obvious, but others (like the one above), will enhance the note point journaling I've already included.
 "Week 8 | right page"

In other areas of journaling, I've taken the time to write about the particular emotional, rollercoaster ride I was experiencing during Week Eight.  A high point was my son's induction as School Captain but low points were also included.  In particular a bullying incident which saw my boy being burnt and my youngest having to deal with dental surgery.
If you have a lot of events happening during the one week and manage to have plenty of photos to share, try to label the photos with the day it occurred, to prevent future confusion.  If you don't have a lot of space for journaling, stick to point form notes and the weekday label stickers will connect the dots.
Hello Again Hello Chevrons Hello Again Journalling Cards Hello Again Small Floral 
Hello Again Element Alpha Stickers Becky Higgins Project Life Alphabet Stickers Grey 8 Sheets Printshop Perfect Word Sheet


  1. First thing I do on mondays morning... open Sassy Scrappers website to read the great post of Leanne about her PL !! thanks again for sharing and give so many tips.

  2. OMGosh! Vero!! That is the sweetest thing. Thank-you so much for your support...x
