
Monday, 21 April 2014

Project Life | Week Twelve...

Hello Sassy Friends!  Welcome to Project Life Week 12 | March 17 - 23.  This week I am approaching my PL where most of my photos have been taken on the weekend and very few during the rest of the week..

Week Twelve involved a lot of time consuming preparation for our weekend camping trip and therefore I didn't take as many everyday photos as I would have liked, during the rest of the week.  I did however take a few snapshots on my phone in regards to our weekly craft sessions and afternoon play, but mostly life was documented the old fashion way.  With journaling.  *grin*

Some weeks are clearly not as note worthy as others.  But snippets of life can still be recorded, even if one event from the day it is jotted down in a weekly format, no matter how mundane it might appear at the time.

Crafting is always happening in our household! This week, and for lack of any other photo preparation,  I decided to take a few photos of what Cam and I have been creating.  This photo collage was created on my phone and then printed out at 4"x4".  My boy is really into using scissors at the moment and this is something a definitely wanted to record.  The green painted hearts were for St Patrick's day and just like every four-year old, he was so proud of his cutting out! LOL!
After the photo was printed out, I adhered the green vellum circle to the centre and layered it with the green paint brush sticker from the Amy Tan Accent stickers.

One of the quirky things I like to take note of when we travel, is the distance and amount of time it takes for us to get to our destination.  I took a screen shot from my phone of Google Maps, that shows both our starting and finishing points. I love that it also automatically includes the amount of time it will take to travel the distance to our favourite camping spot.

I often will use point form to convey my journaling but in this instance I wanted it to be short and sharp, as it always feels rushed to set up camp just before night fall.  These notes cover our general rules, something we constantly remind our kids of, on the first day of camping.  LOL!  And even though we have our camp setting up, down to a fine art now, with everyone knowing what their jobs are, sometimes it doesn't always go to plan!

 I am still struggling to take landscape photos but with scenes like above, I had plenty to choose from this week.  To be able to include these extra photos I mimicked the collage style iPhone photos in photoshop elements and added it to the bottom of my spread to balance out the top photo collage.
Try to find creative ways to document the rest of your week, especially if you have a busy weekend to share and few photos to remind you of the rest of the time.  Ephemera and/or artwork is a great alternative to help document when photos are lacking.
 Amy Tangerine Accent and Phrase Stickers
Lemon Lush Vellum Labels
Amy Tangerine Plus One Combo Paper 12x12
Amy Tangerine Plus Partner Paper 12x12
Amy Tangerine Plus One Pair Paper 12x12
Amy Tangerine Plus One Copilot Paper 12x12
Amy Tangerine Plus One Puffy Stickers
Amy Tangerine Plus One Foam Kal Barteski White Thickers

1 comment:

  1. wowww two others great tips, take a picture of google Maps itinerary and extra photos with the collage.... thanks ! Your PL is definitively awesome !! ;-)
