
Monday, 8 September 2014

Project Life | Week 32...

Hi Everyone!  It's Leanne here today with a fifth instalment from the Sassy Scrapper August Project Life kit!  I can tell you that there is so much product in these kits, that I can even make a sixth spread!  They are brilliant value.  Check out the last remaining kit for August here..
This week I've played with the colours that make up the kit.

Similar to previous weeks, (28, 29, 30 & 31) using this kit, I've been conscious of creating an even spread to prevent my photos and the PL cards from clashing.  What seems to work best for me, is to have a dominant colour, to draw your eye about the spread.  In this kit I am using teal for this purpose.  The remaining colours, mostly neutral, then help ground my pages and blend them all together. The final element of colour is the 10% pop.  You will notice in the photo above, it is the tiny amounts of red. 
The filler cards are a great place to add these small colour pops.  Especially if this colour doesn't feature in any of your photos.  However, I've been fortunate enough to have my children's clothing and kit colours match reasonably well!!!  I. Don't. Know. How. This Happens! LOL!  I guess I am really lucky some weeks.  *grin*

This week I also wanted to have certain days stand out.  During the week, my youngest and I went off to the local library.  It was his first 'official' visit in the sense that he could now have a library card of his own. 
One of the PL 4x6 cards had the days of the week printed on it, with room for journaling beside it.  I trimmed the day names I wanted to document from this week and added a sticker or two.  Since we were at the library, I thought the label sticker "the story:" seemed rather appropriate!
I've altered other 4x6 PL cards in this kit, to accommodate journaling.  I've left the embellishments simple by using the already existing pattern and highlighting it with a cluster of layered stickers and a few enamel dots.


On page two, I've focused on our main event for the week.  Our camping expedition was at the request of my husband, to celebrate an early birthday with our camping family. However, the weekend was perfect to record another milestone in our family history.  Cameron learnt to ride his bike without the aid of training wheels.  yay! LOL!  

I've used a Simple Stories photo flip pocket to help add more to the story.  And with moments like these, it is always wonderful to have video footage.  Beneath the filler card, I've added an extra photo of my boy and his bike and a QR code of the moment he first started pedalling.  Definitely a treasured memory.

A second QR code was added with everyone on our campsite singing the birthday song.
Each QR code has been printed out in a similar colour to the kit's core colour and then grounded with simple enamel dot embellishments.
Finally,  I have a confession.  My all time favourite embellishment this month has to be the Studio Calico cork stars.  I have used every. single. one! They are such a fun element to add to your pages.  And even the photo of the Super Moon event looks better and definitely more exaggerated!

I hope I've shared a little more inspiration today with this fabulous kit.  Thanks for visiting..x
Project Life - August Kit
Captured Moments 12x12 Multi Pocket Pages 2
Simple Stories Sn@p Photo Flip Pockets Variety Pack