This week I have included the basics (journaling and photos) and applied my go-to colour theory to complement the entire spread. I started with photo placement and then chose my initial patterned paper - the top floral paper, Alpine Rose from the Heidi Swapp collection. From there I let the pink hues direct me.
With this paper, I also love that there is a hint of navy in what is essentially a feminine pattern and therefore I have no qualms about using it with my boys featuring on this page. *grin* Besides, there's a fair chunk of navy/black & blue in their clothing to help create visual movement across the page.
There was also a phenomenally hot day during this week and the kids all felt it while at school. Welcome to the first real heat wave of the season!! LOL! They were quite pink/red in the face by the time they got home from school. The pink hues subliminally relay the reminder along with the words.
The easiest way to document this event was with screen shots of my iPhone weather app. However, I didn't want to fill three pockets with three different screen shots but I still wanted to show the rapid jump in temperature in a span of 3 hours. I opened each image in Photoshop and shrunk each to fit onto a 4x6" layer.
I then used this opportunity in Photoshop to add some text below. The electric fan die cut, from the Heidi Swapp ephemera pack, was the. most. perfect. embellishment!
Fortunately, time indoors due to weather, also promotes artistic endeavours. I adore my children's artwork and really wish I could keep every single piece. I gave my youngest a 3x4" sheet of cardstock, some pens and let him draw whatever he wanted. I love that the colours in his artwork ties in perfectly with this week's PL.
On Page two I chose softer colours, white space and four essential photos to tell the story of this week.
My crusade to get my Project Life documented had me sifting through my Becky Higgins Project Life journaling cards. Above I have typed on the lower half of a card and trimmed it to fit the photo. Below, I have used a card as a background to help highlight the Heidi Swapp September Skies transparency.
To add the white space between the photo stories, I created my own filler card with some of my leftover Teresa Collins Nine & Co. A simple label sticker from Studio Calico, grounds the word strip, chipboard heart and fussy cut bird image.
I have finished off my spread with another Becky Higgins journaling card which was fed directly through my typewriter. It has been teamed with the Echo Park "Currently" Element stickers to fill out my journaling for the week.

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